Piles /Haemorrhoids
(Credit: narayanhealth.org) |
Piles are one of the leading and most affecting disease in India as well as in different parts of world due to unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits of consuming junk & spicy food along with lack of exercise. According to one survey , alone in India almost 11 millions people are being suffering every year . In world, in every two people especially belonging age between 40-60 years one is suffering from piles, which is a point to consider. Now the questions is what is PILES? For better understanding , first of all lets understand the anatomy of our that region . Friends we have Rectum and Anus which is known for temporary storage and passing feces/stool. In rectum we people have a supply of different arteries, veins & other vessels. Among them veins present in that rectum or in anal canal gets affected ,becomes swollen and inflammed due to often regular flow of tight motion. This motion /stool damages the valves present inside the veins such that they become swollen by holding an extra amount of blood than they are supposed to be. Its also called Hemorrhoids.
Piles are basically of two types:
1.) Internal Piles :- Piles which is inside your anal canal or rectum and not visible from outside.
2.) External Piles:- Inflammation can be seen outside that is around anus.
As mentioned earlier, there are certain factors that causes piles but among them the most common cause is
Constipation- (infrequent hard to pass motion)
* A long time constipation is a major cause for piles which if not treated on time can worsen your piles.
* Cause that hard stool applies frictional force to the surrounding veins making them inflammed.
Insufficient water
* if you are not consuming enough water then your stool can become hard that may create an issue to peristalsis( involuntary movement to move particles ) , urging body to pass that hard stool along with abrasion of veins resulting piles formation.
Unhealthy diet
* If you are young then you might have a lust towards fast /junk foods. These junk foods are spicy and fatty that affect peristalsis & irritation in digestive tract.
Less fibres
* Especially soluble fibres are beneficial in forming bulk of feces that ease in passing feces smoothly without effecting veins of rectum. So consumption of less fibre food can lead to piles.
Mental stress slows down the peristalsis leading constipation.
* Improper digestion due to constipation
* loosing apetite
* irritation & itching around anus
* painful defecation
* painless bleeding during passing stool due to rupture of affected veins
* can observe anemia in prolong untreated piles cases
Prevention & home remedies
this heading is completely opposite to factors causing piles.
* Drinking about minimum 3 litres of water can make your feces soft easing defecation. so drinking enough water daily is compulsory.
* Abstinence from junk(spicy) food
* involving high fibre foods in your diet like mutigrain items, fruits,vegetables and salad can give you relief
* if you are already suffering from pain of the inflammed veins then you can take a bath from lukewarm water for atleast 10 mins twice a day. It will surely give you relaxation
* water based exercises like swimming , water aerobics and pelvic floor exercises -these exercises are more preferred for piles patients.
What to do if you are already having piles. here are few points that should take into consideration
* treating constipation completely by increased consumption of water and healthy fibres
* In order to treat hard stools/feces you can use stool softener
* stool softner and laxatives
- natural : Banana and papaya are found very effective.
- Artificial :Dulcolax, softovac etc
* A combination of anesthetic(like lignocaine), steroidal and antibiotic(amoxicillin , ampicillin) gel is advised which works more effectively- Pilex ointment , Pilorute ointment. (Prescription of general physician is required for pilorute cream)
* Your doctor can prefer Surgery for worse piles cases ( GRADE III & IV STAGES)
call 911 emergency number or consult nearby health centre for further consulation.
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